Out of Control - After read
Out of Control (Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World) is a fantastic book which is one of the best book for those who want to know about cryptography and neural network.
The theme of this book is decentralization, which is quite geek. This book didn't get too much attention for that many of the concepts in this book were just emerging at that time. What really amaze me is that when the first edition of this book was pressed, there was no internet, and there was no cryptocurrency until 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto presenting it.
This book had really influced me a lot.

Before reading this book, centralization thinking firmly occupy my mind. In my opinion before I read this book, if one thing are not controled by others, it will be very terrible, the model of the world in my opinion at that time is just like a pyramid which means the people in the topest floor contron the second topest, the second topest control the third topest...

After reading this book, I realized that the world was not all centralized. The Internet is a great sample.
- In the Internet, most of the community are decentralized, they are autonomous, only controled by the admins elected by the netizens and they worked well.
- The wikipedia is one of the most famous and awesome website, the breath and volume of the encyclopedia really shocked me. It's hard to imagine that wikipedia could be built without the Internet. Despite the lack of academic recognition, the wikipedia have got lots of people's recogniton. What's really crazy is that there are no people who sensor the wikipedia, the wikipedia is just the result of more than 300,000 editors' work who love to share their knowledge with others.
- The reddit canvas is another example. In April Fool's Day in 2017, reddit held the activity for the first time and the activity was held every five years, which attracted many people joining in. The work in the end is really awesome.
The power of decentralization is awesome the the forces of it is developing very fast.If you want to understand the Internet, the web3, the IOT, the cryptocurrency, I recommend you to read this book.